
Poster by Marta Chrustowicz, MA on the 10th Aspects of Neuroscience conference!

This weekend our PhD student, Marta Chrustowicz, MA, presented her research on the impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on the biological motion perception in patients with schizophrenia on the 10th Aspects of Neuroscience conference organised by the Faculty of Physics, Univeristy of Warsaw.

A new podcast by ‘Można Zwariować’ – an interview with Aleksandra Piejka, MA

We invite you to listen to the new two-episode podcast by ‘Można Zwariować’, in which Aleksandra Piejka, MA, talks about emotions, emotional control and regulation, both from the scientific and the psychotherapeutic perspective. Both episodes are in Polish. Enjoy!

The interview with Łukasz Okruszek, PhD in Hello Zdrowie magazine

Today we recommend the interview with our PI, Łukasz Okruszek, PhD, from which you can get to know who is actually the most lonely, what influence does loneliness have on our health and how do we conduct our Loneliness Project research.


Owner of a lonely mind – our new paper in Journal of Research in Personality

Understanding others’ behaviours, emotions and intentions – is it somehow linked with loneliness and social isolation? Are the people more likely to attribute hostile intentions to others in ambiguous situations also more lonely?

We searched for the answers to these questions in collaboration with prof. Amy Pinkham from University of Texas at Dallas. The results of our study conducted on young adults (aged 18-35) showed that people with lesser skills of recognizing and understanding social signals reported greater levels of objective social isolation. At the same time, we observed both higher loneliness and objective social isolation in people more likely to arttribute hostile intentions to others.

We discuss our results in a brand new article titled „Owner of a lonely mind? Social cognitive capacity is associated with objective, but not perceived social isolation in healthy individuals”, which has just been published by Journal of Research in Personality – up to July 14th the full paper is available for free! Enjoy!

To go to the full article, click HERE.

Our newest research results in the article by the Polish Press Agency

This day is quite a special one for us for two reasons. Firstly, the Polish Press Agency has just published the article on the results of our research (enjoy! To go to the article click HERE),

and secondly – our PI, Łukasz Okruszek, PhD has his birthday today! Apart from singing him ‘Happy birthday’ in person, we want to wish him best of luck and even more scientific success in the future!

Happy birthday, Łukasz!

The article with Łukasz Okruszek’s, PhD contribution in Tygodnik Przegląd

On the occasion of the upcoming Winter holidays we invite you to check out a brand new article featured by our PI, Łukasz Okruszek, PhD in Tygodnik Przegląd. In the article, Łukasz tells about the research on loneliness, also in light of the pandemic-related isolation and wider psychosocial situation that we all are dealing with in the last months.