- Okruszek, Ł., Piejka, A., Krawczyk, M., Schudy, A., Wiśniewska, M., Żurek, K., Pinkham, A. (2021). Owner of a lonely mind? Social cognitive capacity is associated with objective, but not perceived social isolation in healthy individuals. Journal of Research in Personality.
- Sarzyńska-Wawer, J., Wawer, A., Pawlak, A., Szymanowska, J., Stefaniak, I., Jarkiewicz, M., Okruszek, Ł. (2021). Detecting formal thought disorder by deep contextualized word representations. Psychiatry Research.
- Wawer, A., Chojnicka, I., Okruszek, Ł., Sarzyńska-Wawer, J. (2021). Single and cross-disorder detection for autism and schizophrenia. Cognitive Computation.
- Okruszek, Ł., Chrustowicz, M. (2020). Social Perception and Interaction Database – a novel tool to study social cognitive processes with point-light displays. Frontiers in psychiatry.
- Krawczyk, M., Schudy, A., Jarkiewicz, M., Okruszek, Ł. (2020). Polish version of The Hinting Task – Pilot study with patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatria Polska.
- Okruszek, Ł. (2018). It Is Not Just in Faces! Processing of Emotion and Intention from Biological Motion in Psychiatric Disorders. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 48.
- Okruszek Ł., Wordecha M., Jarkiewicz M., Kossowski B., Lee J., & Marchewka A. (2017). Brain correlates of recognition of communicative interactions from biological motion in schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine. doi:10.1017/S0033291717003385
conference appearances
- Okruszek, Ł. Processing of the complex social displays in the posterior superior temporal sulcus subregions. Neuronus 2020 IBRO Neuroscience Forum Uniwersytet Jagielloński Kraków (online) 2020 r. (speech)
- Okruszek, Ł. Neural correlates of affective and non-affective social interactions processing from point-light displays. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting Cognitive Neuroscience Society Boston (online) 2020 r. (poster)
- Okruszek, Ł. Social Perception and Interaction Database (SoPID) – a novel database of dyadic actions presented with point-light displays, 4th Understanding Others Workshop, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 2019. (poster)
- Piejka, A. & Okruszek, Ł. The influence of a second agent on detecting communicative intentions, 4th Understanding Others Workshop, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 2019. Plakat.
- 7th MindBrainBody Symposium, Berlin, Niemcy (posters):
- Biedrzycki, J., Okruszek, Ł. “Temporal organization of action observation and complex mental attribution: an event-related potential study”
- Krawczyk, M., Okruszek, Ł. “Validation of the Polish version of Hinting Task”
- Schudy, A., Krawczyk, M., Piejka, A., Okruszek, Ł. “Emotion recognition from static faces and dynamic point-light stimuli”
- 8th International Conference ‘Aspects of Neuroscience’, Waszawa, 2018 (poster): Krawczyk, M., Okruszek, Ł. “Are cognitive biases linked to social cognitive deficits in healthy individuals?”
- Peripatetic Conference, Zakopane, 2018 (poster): Biedrzycki, J., Okruszek, Ł., “Temporal organization of action observation and complex mental attribution: an event-related potential study.”
- The Future of Social Cognition, Norwich, Wielka Brytania, 2018 (posters):
- Wicher, P., Okruszek, Ł., “Association between social cognitive skills and cognitive biases in healthy individuals”,
- Biedrzycki, J., Okruszek, Ł., “Temporal organization of social vs. nonsocial information processing: An event-related potential study.”
- Chrustowicz, M., Okruszek, Ł. Jak przezczaszkowa stymulacja wpływa na potencjały wywołane podczas przetwarzania ruchu biologicznego u osób chorych na schizofrenię? Polish Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Psych-On”, Student Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology Science Club, Institute of Psychology, University of Łódź, Łódź (online) 2020 r. (speech)
- Schudy, A., Krawczyk, M., Biedrzycki, J., i Okruszek, Ł. Do sad faces equal sad bodies? A comparison between static facial expression and dynamic emotional gait. Toruń, “Neuromania” Conference. 2019. (speech)
- Piaskowska, L., Piejka, A. i Okruszek, Ł.. Czy obecność odbiorcy pomaga zrozumieć gesty komunikacyjne? Polish Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Psych-On”, Student Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology Science Club, Institute of Psychology, University of Łódź, Łódź 2019 r. (speech)
- Chrustowicz, M. i Okruszek, Ł. Wpływ tDCS na przetwarzanie procesów związanych z poznaniem społecznym u pacjentów chorujących na schizofrenię, Polish Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Psych-On”, Student Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology Science Club, Institute of Psychology, University of Łódź 2019 (speech)
- Psych-On Conference, Łódź, 2018 (speeches):
- Okruszek, Ł. “Od sieci neuronalnych do sieci społecznych – poznanie społeczne z perspektywy neuronauki”
- Piejka, A., Krawczyk, M., Okruszek, Ł. „Razem znaczymy więcej: wpływ drugiej postaci na rozumienie gestów komunikacyjnych”.
- Chrustowicz, M., Okruszek, Ł. „Social Perception and Interaction Database – badania walidacyjne”.
- Brainstorm Conference, Warsaw, 2018 (speech): Chrustowicz, M., Okruszek, Ł. „Social Perception and Interaction Database – badania walidacyjne”
- Neuromania 6 Conference, Toruń, 2018, (speech): Chrustowicz, M., Schudy, A., Okruszek, Ł. „Jak interpretujemy intencje innych osób? Wyniki badania z użyciem polskiej wersji Kwestionariusza Wrogich Intencji w Niejednoznacznych Sytuacjach (AIHQ).”